5 Easy-to-Keep Resolutions to Become More Self-Sufficient

end of the day

End of another day on the homestead.

Let’s face it – we mean well. We really do. Many of us spend the last few days resolving to do things differently next year and we have the best of intentions. But despite our best intentions, those resolutions often fail. Maybe it’s because they’re too grandiose (become debt free this year); or maybe they’re unrealistic (travel to 10 foreign countries this year); or maybe they’re just too dang hard (lose 50 lbs this year). But the truth is there are countless achievable goals we can set that aren’t grandiose or unrealistic or too dang hard. I’ve put together a list of key traits needed by all homesteaders and anyone wanting to become self-sufficient. Most of us don’t have the means to jump into this lifestyle cold turkey, so I offer some ideas for a New Year’s resolution that is achievable and will help you on your journey towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Just remember: the key is to pick one, or two, or a small handful and then build on your success.

Drum roll, please……. (listed in no particular order of importance)

  1. Grow Some Food. Of course this makes the list. It would be very hard to be truly self-sufficient without producing your own food. But that doesn’t mean you have to produce everything (see bartering, below). Start small and start with something easy. My recommendations? Zucchini because it’s simple and produces a LOT (and because most non-organic zucchini and yellow squash in the super market is genetically modified – but don’t get me started on GMOs!) You can grow it in a container if space is an issue or you can have a few hills in a small garden. And remember, zucchini is the gift that keeps on giving because it’s so prolific! You can trade your zucchini for some of your neighbor’s green beans (also very prolific), or bake and freeze zucchini bread, can zucchini pickles or zucchini relish – all of which are value-added products to keep or trade. If you’re ready for a bigger challenge and have the space, consider potatoes, carrots, winter squash and onions. All are heavy producers, easy to grow, and keep well, which means you’ll have food for months – ideally enough to get you through the winter when most of your garden is idle. Not having to purchase these food staples from the grocery store is incredibly, incredibly liberating! And the taste is beyond compare.
  2. Learn a New Skill. At the risk of stating the obvious, being self-sufficient means relying on yourself. You should plan on doing things that you used to pay someone else to do for you. Some people have a romanticized vision of homesteading. But the reality is that it is work. And time. And skill. If you’ve made the right choice, you will delight in these tasks. If you don’t, you owe it to yourself to be honest and ask yourself if you’ve made the right choice. I can’t tell you how many people say to me ‘I wish I had your life!’ But when we start talking about canning, milking goats, pulling weeds, grinding corn, mucking out stalls or any other of the myriad tasks we engage in on a daily basis, I usually get either a deer-in-the-headlights look or wrinkled up noses. Folks, being self-sufficient is WORK. So it’s time to embrace a new skill. There are so many skills you’ll need, but this year focus on just one. Learn to can food – one of THE most essential homestead skills. Or learn to make fermented food, beer, hard cider or wine (yes, please!) Take up wood working or welding. Learn to knit, crochet, weave or spin fibers. Some of these ideas seem daunting, but you’d be amazed how many great video tutorials you can find on Youtube. I taught myself how to crochet using this very simple pattern for the Fiona Button Scarf. It was literally just as easy as it looks in the video! Not only will your new skill become invaluable for maintaining your homestead and producing your own items, it could also create a new revenue stream or value-added product (like wool from your sheep that you spin into yarn or knit into a scarf, hat, blanket, etc.) to give as gifts, sell or barter.
  3. Learn to Barter. Speaking of bartering…this is a sadly overlooked skill. Most Americans are really bad at this. In other cultures, bartering is a way of life but it feels strange to us to exchange products and services without exchanging cash. But I guarantee the things you produce and the skills you have are valuable to someone. And as you move towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle, bartering will come in very handy, particularly when you’re starting out and have little cash flow. I’ve found the easiest way to get started bartering is to put a shout out to your friends on Facebook or post an ad on Craig’s list. You’ll be surprised how many people respond! Got tomatoes? List them for trade and watch the offers roll in. Are you good at fixing stuff? Offer an hour or two of repair work and see what others are willing to trade you in return. Everybody, EVERYBODY has something to trade. Babysitting? Hair styling? Hanging Christmas lights? Tree pruning? Dog walking? Baked goods? A home cooked meal? Old canning jars? Fabric scraps? A ride for someone without a car? The possibilities are endless so don’t be afraid to put your offer out there. I promise it’s fun and rewarding. Every time I barter for something I get a huge thrill – no matter how small it is. Honestly, I feel like I’m “stickin’ it to the Man” because Uncle Sam isn’t getting a piece of the transaction. That feeling of independence is priceless!
  4. Start Raising Livestock. Don’t get me started on the perils of buying meat, dairy and eggs from the super market! (I’m working on a post about why this is totally gross, inhumane and down right dangerous.) Anyone can learn to raise livestock and there’s no easier starter livestock than chickens. They’re cheap, low maintenance and you don’t have to do anything more than supply them with feed and water in order to get eggs. But beware, chickens are the “gateway livestock” (watch this funny video about the hazards of raising hens). Whether you live in the country or in the city, you can raise a few chickens. Disclaimer: Okay, some very unenlightened cities still prohibit raising livestock of any kind in the city limits so check with your local planning department or search this database on local chicken laws and ordinances. Rabbits are another great source of protein and revenue that require minimal inputs. Most does can safely produce 3-4 litters per year, yielding 6-10 offspring per litter. That’s a decent number of meals for your freezer or bunnies to sell or barter. Bees are another great option. Again, check your local ordinances. We need more bees so you could be doing your part to boost their numbers while also creating a readily available source of sweetener for your family. That can be huge. Refined and processed sugar and syrup is costly and difficult to produce at home, but honey is a cheap, healthy and adaptable substitute for most sweeteners. Now, if you’re really serious about becoming self-sufficient, you’re going to need a milk goat. Why a goat, you ask? Because they’re freakin’ awesome says my totally unbiased, unfiltered and possibly unstable crazy-goat-lady-self. Seriously though, goats are a great place to start producing your own milk and dairy products. Some cities allow a single backyard goat. And believe me – one standard dairy goat will provide all the milk you need for a family of four. My does give a half to a full gallon of milk per day each. Even my family of 5 can’t drink that much milk. Not all goat’s milk has a strong taste. We milk LaMancha and Oberhasli’s and they both have very mild tasting milk – not “goaty” at all. If space is limited, consider getting a Nigerian Dwarf. They’re small, but they’re considered excellent milkers. If you’re still not sold on goats, consider getting a dairy cow, but know that space and feed needs are much greater and they’ll also produce a lot more milk. So you might want to add cheesemaking to your list of new skills to learn this year….
  5. Pay Down Debt. I know, I know. This IS hard. But notice I didn’t say pay OFF debt. I said pay DOWN debt. Many experts will tell you to start with your highest balance because that is the one that most impacts your cash flow. But I disagree. We need wins. Most people need to feel successful in order to stay motivated. So I recommend starting with your smallest bill and resolving to pay that off. Maybe you pinch pennies for a couple of months to make it happen. Or you sell something so you have a lump sum to apply. Even if that bill is only a hundred dollars, you’ll get a euphoric sense of accomplishment that is both rewarding and reinforcing. Then you can can tackle the bigger bills – now that you’re an expert and all ; ) Why is paying down debt important? Because if you’re tied to bills, you’re tied to a job and that limits your opportunity to invest in yourself and your self-sufficient lifestyle.

There you have it – my list of 5 easy-to-keep resolutions to become more self-sufficient. Remember that the key to success is setting attainable goals. Small bits of progress really add up. Commit to one or two items from this list and build on that success. Now is as good a time as any to practice patience and perseverance because, let’s face it, you’re going to need it in spades as you embark on your homesteader’s journey.

Best luck and wishes in 2015 from our farm to yours ~

What’s Wrong With Michigan?


Small farms and backyard chicken keepers feel threatened by new Michigan ruling.

Suddenly, the eyes of the nation’s local food movement are focused on Michigan – and not in a good way. Michigan’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Commission voted to modify a provision of the state’s Right to Farm Act regarding proper location for farm animals. Many small farms and families with a few backyard hens are at risk of running afoul of the new regulations.

Like many states, Michigan has had a “Right to Farm” act in place for decades. It is intended to protect large and small farms when the city’s boundaries expand or former urban dwellers move in to a rural area and complain about the smell, noise and other agriculture-related happenings like being stuck behind a slow moving tractor on a rural road. Until now, the Right to Farm act has protected these operations from nuisance lawsuits. But the new rules have small farms and backyard chicken-keepers up in arms.

According to the Commission, the ruling added a new category to the Generally Accepted Agriculture Management Practices (GAAMP) that outline what commercial livestock farming practices are protected from nuisance lawsuits by state law. Typically, if a farm follows the GAAMP, it can expect protection against nuisance lawsuits. But the new rule states that any number of farm animals raised in neighborhoods with more than 13 non-farm homes within 1/8 of a mile of the animals, or with any non-farm home within 250 feet of the proposed facility, will not be in compliance with GAAMP and, therefore, are not offered protection under the Right to Farm act. Why the restrictions? MDARD has the right to determine whether a site is primarily residential. An official MDARD publication states that these areas are not suitable for siting farm animals.

The Commission and some of the ruling’s strongest supporters, like the Michigan Farm Bureau, insist that the ruling needed to change in order to ensure that people raising livestock conform to local zoning ordinances. They further state that it does not jeopardize small farms, nor does it impinge on Michigan residents’ right to raise their own food. But many organizations and individuals are questioning the legitimacy of these arguments. After all, the ruling specifically targets any number of farm animals – even one – and uses restrictive housing density requirements. After all, 250 feet is less than the length of a football field. As I write this today, while my property is more than 3 acres, my neighbors on either side of me are sitting on the 40 yard line.

Gordon Wenk, chief deputy director of MDARD, said there are misconceptions about how the changes will affect individuals. According to Wenk, the Right to Farm Act has only ever applied to commercial agriculture, not an individual’s right to provide his or her own food. However, with the new ruling applying to housing densities on the residential scale and even a single farm animal, it appears to in fact threaten backyard producers. After all, when was the last time you heard of a commercial agriculture operation with only a single farm animal? Furthermore, GAAMP now applies to any number of farm animals whereas, previously, owners of less than 50 animals were exempt. Now, even the smallest producer may be out of compliance.

While the changes do not represent an outright ban on individuals keeping livestock in residential areas, nor do they shut down all small farms, they certainly represent a threat. MDARD points out that local communities can decide to allow farm animals under these circumstances and many Michigan municipalities have done so. But the new ruling is alarming because it does remove a long-standing protection. Randy Buchler, Board Member for the Michigan Small Farm Council, voiced his organization’s concern. “There’s a lot of unnecessary legal action being taken against small farms who are doing good things in their communities.”

While the rest of the nation seems to be embracing the self-sufficiency and locavore movement, Michigan has taken a huge step backwards. And it couldn’t have come at a worse time. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a report stating that the world is currently in grave danger of entering a post-antibiotic era. The report explains “a post-antibiotic era – in which common infections and minor injuries can kill – far from being an apocalyptic fantasy, is instead a very real possibility for the 21st century. Director General of the WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, warned that among the chief causes of antibiotic resistance is the use of antibiotics in the food supply. Factory farms and Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) rely heavily on the use of antibiotics, not only for treatment of sick animals, but as a preventative measure. Concerned consumers are looking to small scale sustainable livestock producers for antibiotic and hormone-free meat and eggs or opting to grow their own.

Michigan’s ruling caught a lot of folks off guard, but the spotlight is now firmly focused on the battle to support the right to farm – on any scale. The battle is being waged in the media, it is sure to be waged in court as the ruling is challenged, but the real fight is taking place in backyards and farm fields across the state. Small farms and backyard livestock keepers across the nation are right to be alarmed and should follow this story as it develops as it could have broad implications elsewhere. The call to action is to let your city council, Board of Supervisors and other elected officials know that the right to farm is sacred and worth protecting. This is one battle that should not go quietly into the night.

Grow Great Tomatoes: 5 Tips to Get Started Right

Grow Great TomatoesA little bit of preparation goes a long way in the garden! Before you put your new tomato seedlings in the ground, there are some steps you can take to ensure healthy plants and a great harvest. Here are 5 of our favorite tips, compiled from personal experience learned over more than a quarter of a century gardening (plus some expert advice from local Master Gardeners.)

  • Grow several varieties. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Mixing it up will help you discover which varieties do best in your area or in your particular growing conditions. As tomatoes ripen at different times, from Stupice on the early end at approximately 55 days to Pineapple tomatoes on the late end at approximately 90 days, planting multiple varieties can help extend your harvest. Planting both determinate (set their fruit all at one time) and indeterminate varieties (ongoing production throughout the growing season) also extends your growing season. Plus, with renewed interest in heirloom varieties, there’s more to choose from than ever before so indulge yourself!
  • Rotate planting location every year. Tomatoes are very susceptible to soil borne diseases. That’s why you never want to plant in the same location from year to year. Moving your plants around gives new plants a chance to get a fresh start if there are remaining pathogens from the prior year’s crop. Tomatoes are also heavy calcium feeders so crop rotation gives you a chance to replenish the calcium and other important soil nutrients. Don’t revisit the same spot for at least 2, and preferably 3 years.
  • Bury them deep.  You’ll probably buy a tomato plant that is roughly 12″ tall or taller. Pinch off the lower leaves and plant it so that at least 1/3 of the stem is under ground. Some experts recommend removing all but the top cluster and planting so that only 2-3″ of plant remains above ground. We bury ours to about half the length of the plant. Doing so will allow the buried stem to sprout roots. This helps stabilize the plant when it gets big and heavy and all those roots will provide greater moisture and nutrient absorption. Some people recommend planting your tomato on its side with only the top cluster above ground. This has the same effect as burying them very deep. It’s just a matter of personal choice.
  • Install stakes when you plant. Once you get your tomatoes in the ground, it may seem like the little seedlings don’t really need any kind of staking or bracing. But they’re going to get big and most varieties benefit from some type of cage or trellis to climb on to keep their foliage off the ground. The time to install those stakes or cages is when you first plant your seedling. If you wait until the plant is big enough to actually need it, you risk damaging the developing root system when you drive the stakes into the ground. The root system grows surprisingly fast so it’s harder to avoid hitting the roots, even on a young plant, than you might think.
  • Pinch off the first flowers. This one is really hard because as soon as you see that little yellow blossom, you’re already envisioning that first ripe, juicy tomato. But removing the first blooms will help the plant focus its energy on growing a healthy root system and vines. In the long run, your plant will bear more fruit, even if you don’t get that first tomato as soon as you were hoping. The same goes for pinching off suckers. Sure, suckers will eventually (eventually) produce fruit. But the energy it takes away from the developing plant probably doesn’t make a worthwhile tradeoff. Suckers are the growth that develop in the crotch or ‘v’ between the main stem and side branches.

There are many other great tips to growing tomatoes. These are just a few to help you get off to a good start. We would love to hear your feedback. What tomato growing tips can you share with our readers?

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